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    Comment préparer le cocktail Ghost

    • Pour 1 cl of lime juice, 1.5 cl of sugar syrup, 0.5 cl of lychee liqueur, 1.5 cl of limoncello and 2.5 cl of gold rum into a shaker
    • Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake
    • Strain into a chilled champagne saucer
    • Blend 4 bar spoons of cranberries and pour the puree into a bowl
    • Add 2.5 cl of quail egg white and 1 bar spoon of vanilla granulated sugar
    • Whisk until foam forms
    • Use bar spoon to layer on cranberry foam
    • Sprinkle with vanilla granulated sugar and pass the flame over it several times, so that the sugar caramelizes
    Comment préparer le cocktail Ghost
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